
Poor lubrication practices can cost approximately 8 to 15% of a company’s annual maintenance budget.

Plant Services will provide your facility with a lubrication maintenance strategy and services that save time, money, and resources. Inadequate and poorly managed lubrication practices can needlessly increase a business’s annual maintenance budget cost by approximately 8-15%.
Proper lubrication reduces friction, heat, and wear by creating a barrier between moving metal surfaces. When applied at manufacturer recommended intervals, proper lubrication will maximize the life span of your equipment while maintaining runtime.

PSI will incorporate procedural maintenance disciplines into your PM schedule to save time, money, and the resources associated with your equipment lubrication activities:

  • Create visual prompts in the workplace that reduce mistakes while improving storage and handling of lubrication materials.
  • Develop lubrication schedules, procedures, diagrams, and visual road maps.
  • Deploy PSI resources to maintain a professional lubrication program.

Analyze current situations and offer solutions to consolidate lube points and recommend automated lubrication processes where applicable.
The 4 key components of preventative maintenance – cleaning, lubrication, inspection, and tightening – ensure equipment efficiency, reliability, and longer service life with less capital expenditure on new equipment.