LED Lighting Installation

Plant Services, Inc. is headquartered in Georgetown, Kentucky with deep roots originating in the heart of the premiere automotive manufacturing facility in North America. Through the years we have transferred our capabilities developed at that site to other manufacturing companies and locations. No longer singly focused on automotive manufacturing, Plant Services Inc. now offers an array of industrial services including facility management, equipment servicing and wellness, lighting services including LED lighting installation, waste management and much more.

LED is a unique approach to energy savings and power quality improvement, with the benefits of reduced energy costs, improved lighting quality, reduced temperature in industrial facilities and a reduced carbon footprint. Conversion to LED lighting is a smart investment not only for cost savings but also to achieve the excellent quality of lighting provided by LED.

LED lighting installation results in an abundance of advantages to your business. Technology has improved significantly to the point that it can be said that the early days of harsh blue LED lighting are gone. Today's LED lighting casts a natural glow. Employees are complimentary of the improved work environment with LED lighting and often companies see an improvement in quality control and employee morale, along with significant savings. LED lighting now comes with longer manufacturer guarantees that coincide with the increased longevity of LED lights. This longevity also results in lower labor costs when the bulbs are changed less frequently.

By converting to LED, your company will realize a 35-50% annual savings in energy costs and typically a return-on-investment realized within 24 to 48 months. As business owners and managers, this is a cost savings you do not want to leave on the table.

Plant Services Inc will review and recommend an LED lighting plan for your site and provide professional installation.

The professional LED lighting installation services provided by Plant Services Inc. assure you that the job will be done well. Plant Services Inc. prides itself on its excellence in transforming your factory or warehouse with LED lighting installation. You can rest assured that your work will be done with these principles at the forefront of what we do and how we do it:

  • We stay current with the use of the best technology available.
  • Plant Services Inc. employs and trains a strong team of professionals.
  • Consistently placing safety first is at the core of who we are and what we do.
  • It is our constant goal to exceed the expectations of our customers.

When you contact Plant Services Inc. we will evaluate your current lighting, develop a plan and provide field installation, working side-by-side with your maintenance team. We are dedicated to doing this in such a way that LED lighting installation does not cause a costly slowdown to your production. We will carefully work through all of this with your company so that we develop a plan together that will allow you to focus on your work. As partners, you can maintain your productivity and we can perform this installation without disruption. Through our 20+ years of providing a wide range of maintenance services to other companies, we have continuously demonstrated the value of utilizing Plant Services Inc. to perform the specialty services needed by your company.

Contact Plant Services Inc. today at psi-ky.com for further information on LED lighting installation.